VectorField For Artists

Who's considered a production artist?

Digital Production Artists Are

Post-Viz Artists

Previz Artists

VFX Supervisors

CG Supervisors

Finishing Artists




Digital Producers

Cloth Artists

Groom Artists

FX Artists

Layout Artists


Technical Directors


2D & 3D Animators


Surfacing/Texturing Artists

Layout Artists

Rigging Artists

Post-Viz Artists

Previz Artists

VFX Supervisors

CG Supervisors

Finishing Artists




Digital Producers

Cloth Artists

Groom Artists

FX Artists

Layout Artists


Technical Directors


2D & 3D Animators

Surfacing/Texturing Artists


Layout Artists

Rigging Artists

Post-Viz Artists

Previz Artists

VFX Supervisors

CG Supervisors

Finishing Artists




Digital Producers

Cloth Artists

Groom Artists

FX Artists

Layout Artists


Technical Directors


2D & 3D Animators


Surfacing/Texturing Artists

Layout Artists

Rigging Artists

How Does VectorField work For Production Artists?

You Work on your terms, anytime, any place.

On VectorField, digital production artists work remotely.
As long as you have a high speed internet connection you can work on VectorField remotely, from anywhere.

We provide our artists with access to cutting edge workstations & production pipelines in the cloud and a fully managed production work experience.

VectorField works by charging a fee from productions/client side, we transparently pass through payroll costs for production artists and we do not take a cut or fee from your hourly pay rate.

Production artists get paid by the hour, transparently, with no fee or markup between the artists and production.
Artists determine their desired pay rate, amount of days they want to work and the amount of hours they want to work per day.

You can choose to work by task, project or full time work with our productions and studios on VectorFIeld.

We pay artists monthly, via online payroll providers like gusto & papaya global.
Your desired work terms will never exclude you from being considered for a production role.

If your rate is too high for a specific production, or there is a potential scheduling conflict, our producers will reach out to you to see if we can accommodate the specific production needs.

How do you connect artists to productions?

A new business model with creatives at the core.

VectorField works by providing fully managed infrastructure and technology pipelines and production management services to our clients.

Clients can be a major brand or company or celebrity talent who need digital production services such as actors, singers, athletes etc.

Each client gets their own dedicated studio on VectorField in the form of a ""
Artists work on productions directly via the VectorField platform.
With VectorField fully managing the production itself and the technology stack used by production on "".

For you, the artist, the experience is very similar to how you work today.
You log in to a workstation, have tasked assigned via Shotgrid and complete work on our workstations in the cloud.
VectorField manages the entire production in collaboration with our clients for any projects taking place in a "".

From staffing to infrastructure and technology solutions to ongoing production management.
We stay with our artists from start to finish to help them complete productions.
We facilitate all aspects of your working experience in production.

From our producers pairing you for work based on your profile.
Using our CG pipelines & infrastructure to do work for our clients and fully managing payroll through the platform.

How much should I charge as a production artist?

Charge what you're worth!

Due to VectorField's alternative business model, cutting through vendor's markups on production services.
Digital production artists are free to actually charge their full rates.

Artist get paid by the hour, with overtime* after 8 hours, Double time after 12, with a global $20 USD minimum wage paid monthly.
*California state Overtime Policy
While we still expect you to charge a rate within industry norms, we encourage all artists to charge a rate that they feel truly reflects your worth.

Your ability to charge a higher rate on VectorField will be directly correlated by your level of skill, experience and performance.
We know that in the old vendor model a rate of $65USD vs $50USD, represented a huge pay bump, often making the difference between an artist getting a gig or getting passed on in consideration for a role.

We also know productions are billed a lot more than $50USD for your hour of work when working through a vendor...
We know even the ability to charge even 30% more can make the difference between an artist struggling to survive and thriving following their creative passion.

On VectorField we are working to build as many avenues for digital production artists to thrive and gain compensation for doing what they love.
By eliminating the vendor markup we empower artists to charge what they are truly worth while still saving production money when productions wrap.

Our clients enjoy a transparent supply chain of artists and services where everyone is properly credited for their contributions enabling us to unlock value in reusing our work and data in ways that benefit all parties.
We believe all artists deserve to make a living wage and enjoy their time working in production.

Help us build this vision and create an alternative ecosystem that production artists deserve.

Whats all this talk about work as data?

Your data and your choice.

VectorField is anchored in the idea that doing work is valuable data.
In the age of AI this data is now the new oil/gold.

We believe everyone should be empowered to monetize on their work as data if they choose to.

On VectorField we give you the control AND ways to monetize!
All data collection is strictly opt in by the data contributor (you).

Each time we want to use your data we will reach out with a data use and compensation contract.

This contract will outline, what data we want to use, how we want to use it and for what purpose and how you will be compensated.

We are developing means to compensate data contributors in 3 ways.

1. Using their data in training sets used in training AI Models.

2. Revenue sharing when we convert AI models into tools on the platform.

3. Revenue sharing when we sell a AI product out of platform.
With the rise of generative AI, its clear the future of content creation is drastically going to change, with AI displacing a lot of the tasks we get paid to work on today.

Our aim is to provide artists with a piece of the pie in the AI tools that will train to replace them.
This is not only the right thing to do from an ethical perspective its also the most effective route to make this technology production ready.

AI is based on high quality domain specific data sets, with digital content production an extreme example of the output being as good as the input.
We believe this is our once in a life time opportunity to stand up and demand our fair share for being the creators of this data.

While we cant turn back time and undo generative AI we can choose how creatives should be compensated for developing it.

Our hope with VectorField is to tip the balance in favor of creatives.

Join The Evolution

Be a part of the change you want to see!

Join us in our journey to evolve work for hire and digital content production for everyone in the creative ecosystem.

Together, we're building a more efficient, transparent, and sustainable business model for all creative talent.

Help us usher a future for creatives that values due credit over extraction.
Where everyone is compensated for their time, output and data contributions.
A future we all get equity in and an opportunity to thrive.
Are you a Production Artist?
Join Our Artist Pool Now

*Sign-up is free and confidential and requires less than 5 minutes to complete.

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